Friday, 26 April 2013

Different Ways To Advertise

There are loads of different ways to advertise

TV: On TV they can advertise almost every product there is but the companies are clever because what matter most t is the time of day you play it. For example supermarket adverts that might be on in the morning will be attention-grabbing for a housewife because if they see deals or offers on products they need from such adverts, they may be more likely to shop at that supermarket. 
TV is a very expensive way to advertise can reach more audiences then if it was in the newspaper/magazine. Advertisements with humour or catchy slogans are more likely to be remembered.

TV Advert 

 Magazine: another way to advertise is in magazine. Depending on what type of magazine you buy it will vary on the adverts. You never open a Men’s sports magazine and find an advert for women’s cosmetics, this is because companies target a certain audiences and it only seems right to have it in that type of magazine. For example, the women’s cosmetics would go in a beauty/gossip magazine.
Advertising in magazines is cheaper than television but some people might skip the ads. Also a magazine is usually kept for about a week before it is thrown away.

Magazine Advert 

Internet: the Internet is an amazing place but there are loads of adverts on there. On Facebook they advertise products that you like. They persuade you to buy things that you don’t really need.  On the Internet the advert pops up suddenly, it moves about the screen and is very eye catching.

Internet Advert 


Newspapers:  Newspapers have been advertising for decades and not only do they put advertisements in the paper but at the weekends they have colour supplements which have pages and pages of advertisements.

Newspaper Advert 

Billboards; Massive boards on the sides of buildings are the perfect place to put huge advertisements. Large public areas such as airports are the perfect place for these gigantic images.

Billboard Advert

Radio: the radio is one of the best places to advertise because they have those annoying jingles that always get stuck in your head which makes you remember them.

Even the side of a bus or taxi can become a moving advertisement which can catch your eye wherever you are.

My View
 I think that even though adverts can be annoying and that they are everywhere they can be helpful sometimes